Mental Health in the Workplace
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own and you know what you know. You are the one who’ll decide where to go.” Dr Seuss
Why should you care?
Mental health in the workplace is an increasingly important area, not only for the people who are suffering but also for the people who can do something about it.
The areas in which the well-being of a person influences work are numerous and include:
- Stress - feeling overwhelmed, burnt out and unable to perform
- Anxiety - feeling panicked and scared, reducing the ability to process and deal with information
- Depression - feeling buried with no energy or motivation
- Loneliness - feeling isolated and unimportant to others
By having a system that is integral to your business for mental health issues you not only show your employees that they are important and valued but also that it is something that you and the business take seriously. All of which can lead to increased performance, abundance of creativity, engaging with the company's goals, reduced time off and a shared language and understanding of a solution focused approach
The culture and ethos that are created from having this approach in the workplace is empowering. Everyone has a mind and therefore everyone can suffer with mental health issues.

What can you do?
Group well-being sessions
Designed for regular recurring online sessions that staff can attend. These can be signed into when needed or as part of an ongoing cycle and is aimed at maintaining the well-being and effectiveness of staff. These sessions can also be used staff to identify an ongoing need that may require a 1:1 session. With Q&A after each session it's a great way of sharing the ethos of wellbeing and culture throughout the organisation. Session can be scheduled throughout the week or month as needed.
1:1 solution focused sessions
Designed to have either solution focused coaching conversations or solution focused hypnotherapy. Sessions can be booked either within work time or outside and are designed to increase the effectiveness, well-being, resilience, creativity and collaboration skills. The sessions are individual focused and confidential.
Who am I?

It is important to know that the person delivering solutions for you has knowledge and understanding of all the issues involved and can have meaningful conversations with you about ways forward.
As well as being a qualified Solution focused hypnotherapist with diplomas in hypnotherapy and cognitive behavioural therapy and a degree in education and behaviour I am also a former CEO and managing director of a multi-award winning company.
I have been featured in newspapers, tv and radio as well as numerous books and publications. I have written for business websites and presented on business panels and as a guest speaker. I have even been on Dragon's Den, arguably on of the most stressful environments imaginable.
That's why I can work with businesses and business owners to fully understand all of the issues within an organisation and how best to ensure that the mental health and well-being of everyone is taken care of.
It would be great to talk further about how I can help.